Flagger Instructor | Washington State Recertification

This course allows Washington Flagger Instructors certified through Evergreen Safety Council to renew their current certification for an additional 3 years.


This course will satisfy the Washington State requirement for all Flagger Instructors to renew their instructor certification every 3 years.  


Eligibility requirements 

To be eligible to attend this course, you must:  

    1.) Hold a valid (not expired) Washington State Flagger Instructor certification issued by Evergreen Safety Council 
    2.) Submit a valid (not expired) copy of your Washington State TCS or TCT certification and update your contact information
    3.) Complete the Council’s short, self-directed online Discrimination and Harassment training  


Course materials 

New materials will not be provided for this course. Please bring your current instructor handbook and a copy of the student handbook with you.   

If you would like an additional copy of the instructor handbook, they are available for purchase for $60. Please email orders@esc.org to place your order.  


Teach back presentation 

Each Instructor must present a 10 minute segment of the course for evaluation. Assignments for teach back presentations will be given at the beginning of the course.  



Instructors who attend the 4-hour recertification course and pass the open book exam with a score of 90% or better on first attempt will receive a both a Washington State Flagger Instructor and Operator certification that will be valid for 3 years.  

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